Anson MacKeracher

About Me

I'm Anson MacKeracher, founder and CTO at LegalMate. We're improving access to justice by bringing automation and AI to law firms around the world. We provide a durable automation platform for legal technology.

Prior to LegalMate, I ran Engineering at Ada, and before that, I ran Engineering at Top Hat. In a past life, together with some good friends, I created CadenceBot. Over the past 20+ years of programming, I've shipped software that's been downloaded billions of times and touched the lives of tens of millions of people across the world.

These days, my chosen tools are Emacs, PostgreSQL, Python, Temporal, and Clojure(Script). I prefer simple and understandable tools that enhance my productivity; always a mix of pragmatism and purity.

I'm not looking for any employment or consulting opportunities at this time, thanks!

Where to find me: