Anson MacKeracher

I am a software creator with experience building systems that operate reliably under inherently unreliable conditions.

Throughout my career, I’ve worked on high scale web services in a variety of critical domains, notably education, legal, finance, and enterprise support. Previously, I ran engineering and technology at Ada, LegalMate, and Top Hat.

My expertise lies in developing reliable software services deployed at scale via cloud infrastructure. This includes deployments of transactional systems, “real-time” web systems, online ML models, high-scale batch processing, and most recently reentrant processes, and durable execution.

I graduated from the University of Waterloo, Electrical and Computer Engineering, way back in 2010, but I’ve since relocated to Vancouver on Canada’s west coast.

Over the last 25+ years, I’ve shipped code in almost a dozen programming languages, worked with some truly exceptional people, built software that’s been downloaded billions of times, and had an absolute blast solving hard problems.
